Lovebirds For Sale
Lovebirds for sale, lovebirds are active, cheerful, and beautifully decorative. These petite ‘pocket’ parrots are very intriguing! Lovebirds come from the drier regions of Africa. Because they evolved from a very harsh environment, they are very suited to captivity. Not only do they have a good disposition, these charming, brilliantly colored little pets are very hardy and easy to care for. They can also provide you with a successful breeding experience.
In the wild lovebirds live in flocks. They will often bond with a mate for life and show fierce loyalty and affection to their family. If you can earn their affections as young birds, you will receive that same fierce loyalty from your little friends. They are very social with both their keepers and their mate.
Care and feeding of our lovebirds for sale
Bird Food
Foods available for Lovebirds include formulated diets, either pelleted or extruded, seed-only diets, and small parrot mixes which offer a mixture of both. There are pros and cons to feeding only a formulated diet as well as feeding only a seed diet.
Formulated Diet:
A formulated diet provides a good nutritional base and does not require the addition of vitamins. However, it does not contain the phytonutrients (antioxidant pigments) that are found in vegetables, fruits, grains, and seeds. Also, parrots can become bored with formulated diets due to the lack of variety.
Seed Diet:
A seed-only diet offers much more variety but requires additional vitamin and calcium supplements. Lovebirds need not only nutritional requirements met but also variety for psychological enrichment.
A lovebird’s diet will consist of 1 1/2 to 2 ounces (45-60 grams) of feed daily for a single bird.
Supplements include fresh vegetables, greens, tree branches for the bark, some fruits, and millet spray. Some of the fruit supplements include berries, apples, grapes, pears, bananas, and kiwi. Some of the greens and vegetable supplements include spinach, endive, watercress, chickweed, radish, parsley, dandelions, carrot tops, corn on the cob, peas, endive, field lettuce, and various garden herbs.
Lovebirds drink a lot of water, so will need fresh drinking water every day.
Bird Baths
Most lovebirds love a bath either in a flat earthenware dish or by spraying them with a light mist of lukewarm water. If you use a bathing dish, you will see the birds perch on the edge and dip their heads and upper bodies in the water, and beat their wings. They prefer this kind of bath to get into the water.
Bird Grooming
Lovebirds generally maintain their nails and beaks on their own through climbing and chewing. Another good use they make of their tree branches. wing. Another good use they make of their tree branches.
Social Behaviors of lovebirds
Lovebirds as pets, as well as in the wild, are very social birds. Generally and in most situations, it is thought to be essential for their good health and happiness that they be kept in pairs, not singly. If keeping a single lovebird, you must provide the necessary social interaction that it is missing from another bird. These birds develop fierce loyalties to their keeper or their mate.
Aside from their social nature toward you or their mate, lovebirds can be extremely aggressive towards other birds. You must be certain that all pairs get along together, and that they are true “pairs”, not mismatched. Bonded pairs constantly groom each other and will feed each other from the crop during the breeding season and all year round.
These little birds will chatter all day long. They will hide in their nest box if they are startled by a sudden noise, if they spot a potential predator, or if it gets cold and windy.
Speech & Sound
Lovebirds are a chatty bunch, singing and whistling all day long. Lovebirds are especially vocal at dawn and dusk.
With all that vocalizing, you might think that lovebirds talk. Well, lovebirds usually do not talk in the way you expect.
Activities of Lovebirds
Lovebirds awaken with the dawn, get a drink, eat, and then immediately begin to chirp. They will generally quiet down by mid-morning and resume their chirping in the late afternoon.
These birds are very active, flying and climbing about, gnawing on wood or chewing toys, and grooming themselves many times all day. They love toys of all kinds such as seed bells, swings, ladders, mirrors, shiny objects, and wooden gnaws. A lovebird outside of its cage will not stay in its playpen, they like to explore. Be sure this room is safe with no open doors or windows, no toxic plants, no open water containers, and no hot stove.
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Ara papagei kaufen
„Viel Liebe aus Kanada. Mein Papagei wurde vor meiner Haustür geliefert. Vielen Dank an Papageikaufen store und das Team. Ich werde auf jeden Fall ein anderes Mal bestellen.“
Joseph & Claudia –
Joseph & Claudia
Joseph und ich sind äußerst dankbar für die Hilfe, die Sie uns bei der Aufnahme eines neuen Mitglieds in unsere Familie geleistet haben. Als ich Ihre Website besuchte, wurde mir sofort klar, dass Sie nicht wie alle anderen Züchter sind. Ihre Liebe, Aufmerksamkeit und Ihr Engagement für diese Kleinen sind unvergleichlich. Sie sind unglaublich schön, freundlich, intelligent und aktiv. Als wir unser Baby Chloe abholten, erwarteten wir, dass es süß sein würde, aber als man es aus der Decke nahm, waren wir erstaunt. Er war noch schöner, als wir dachten, und seine Ordentlichkeit raubte uns den Atem. Jeder, der ihn bisher gesehen hat, hat seine Schönheit kommentiert. Meine Mutter nennt ihn immer „meine Freude“! Ich möchte Ihnen auch dafür danken, dass Sie alles getan haben, um uns dabei zu helfen, ihn sicher zu transportieren. Es hat gezeigt, wie sehr Ihnen Ihre Kunden am Herzen liegen. Das Papageien-Set war auch eine nette Geste und wir freuen uns über alle Geschenke, die uns den Start mit unserem Baby Mason erleichtern. Wir haben uns entschieden, seinen Namen beizubehalten, wie Sie ihn zu Ehren von „Papageien zum verkaufen“ benannt haben. Wir empfehlen Sie wärmstens jedem, der einen liebevollen, von den Besten gezüchteten Begleiter sucht. Wir brauchen Ihre Visitenkarten, weil wir wissen, dass Baby Chloe überall für Aufsehen sorgen wird und dass er in unserer Familie bereits wie ein Prinz behandelt wird. Danke schön!
Garry Dinks –
Ich wollte schon immer einen Vogel haben, aber leider kann ich mir keinen leisten. Deshalb besuche ich die Website Papagei-zu-verkaufen, um mir die verfügbaren Vögel anzusehen. Danke Jungs.
Garry Dinks
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