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Die 10 meistgesuchten Kakadu-Papageienrassen in Deutschland

silhouette of birds on water during sunset

Einführung in die Welt der Kakadus

Kakadus sind eine faszinierende und unverwechselbare Gruppe von Papageien, die sich durch ihre charakteristischen Federkämme und lebhaften Persönlichkeiten auszeichnen. Sie gehören zur Familie der Cacatuidae und sind vor allem in Australien, Indonesien und den Philippinen beheimatet. Diese Vögel unterscheiden sich von anderen Papageienarten durch ihre einzigartige Federstruktur, die ihnen ihre markanten Kämme verleiht, sowie durch ihre kräftigen Schnäbel und Füße, die sich hervorragend zum Klettern und Knacken von Nüssen eignen.

Die natürlichen Lebensräume der Kakadus reichen von tropischen Regenwäldern über Eukalyptuswälder bis hin zu trockenen Savannen. In diesen vielfältigen Ökosystemen spielen Kakadus eine wichtige Rolle, indem sie Samen verbreiten und zur Erhaltung der pflanzlichen Vielfalt beitragen. Ihre Fähigkeit, sich an verschiedene Umgebungen anzupassen, ist einer der Gründe, warum sie in so vielen unterschiedlichen Regionen vorkommen.

Als Haustiere sind Kakadus besonders beliebt wegen ihrer bemerkenswerten Intelligenz und ihrer sozialen Natur. Viele Kakadus können menschliche Sprache imitieren und komplexe Tricks lernen, was sie zu unterhaltsamen und interaktiven Gefährten macht. Ihr Bedürfnis nach sozialer Interaktion und geistiger Stimulation bedeutet jedoch auch, dass sie viel Aufmerksamkeit und Pflege benötigen. Ein vernachlässigter Kakadu kann Verhaltensprobleme entwickeln, die seine Lebensqualität beeinträchtigen.

Weltweit existieren mehrere Kakadu-Arten, jede mit ihren eigenen einzigartigen Merkmalen und Bedürfnissen. Zu den bekanntesten Arten gehören der Weißhaubenkakadu, der Gelbhaubenkakadu und der Rosakakadu. Jede dieser Arten hat ihre eigenen Besonderheiten und Anforderungen, die potenzielle Besitzer berücksichtigen sollten, bevor sie sich für einen Kakadu als Haustier entscheiden.

Die 10 beliebtesten Kakadu-Rassen in Deutschland

In Deutschland zählen Kakadus zu den begehrtesten Papageienarten für Heimtierhalter. Zehn besonders beliebte Rassen stechen dabei hervor, jede mit einzigartigen Merkmalen, die sie zu faszinierenden Gefährten machen.

Der Gelbhaubenkakadu (Cacatua galerita) ist besonders beliebt aufgrund seiner leuchtend gelben Haube und seines geselligen Wesens. Ursprünglich aus Australien stammend, benötigt er viel soziale Interaktion und geistige Anregung. Eine ausgewogene Ernährung und eine geräumige Voliere sind essenziell für sein Wohlbefinden.

Ein weiterer Favorit ist der Rosakakadu (Eolophus roseicapilla), der durch seine auffälligen rosa und grauen Federn besticht. Dieser Kakadu ist ebenfalls in Australien heimisch und zeichnet sich durch seine Verspieltheit und Intelligenz aus. Rosakakadus brauchen viel Beschäftigung und sollten täglich Freiflug erhalten.

Der Palmkakadu (Probosciger aterrimus) beeindruckt mit seinem schwarzen Gefieder und dem großen Schnabel. Dieser aus Neuguinea stammende Kakadu ist anspruchsvoller in der Haltung und benötigt viel Platz sowie spezielle Ernährungsanforderungen. Sein lautes Rufen und seine unabhängige Art machen ihn zu einer Herausforderung für unerfahrene Halter.

Der Inka-Kakadu (Cacatua leadbeateri) ist mit seiner farbenfrohen Haube ein echter Hingucker. Diese Art erfordert eine hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit und viel Aufmerksamkeit. Inka-Kakadus sind sehr anhänglich und können bei Vernachlässigung Verhaltensprobleme entwickeln.

Der Molukkenkakadu (Cacatua moluccensis) fällt durch sein rosafarbenes Gefieder und seine laute Stimme auf. Er benötigt viel Interaktion und kann bei Langeweile destruktiv werden. Ausreichend Spielzeug und soziale Interaktion sind daher unverzichtbar.

Der Weißhaubenkakadu (Cacatua alba) ist für seine lebhafte Persönlichkeit und sein weißes Gefieder bekannt. Diese Art ist sehr sozial und muss täglich beschäftigt werden. Eine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und eine sichere Umgebung sind entscheidend für seine Gesundheit.

Der Salomonenkakadu (Cacatua ducorpsii) ist kleiner, aber nicht weniger charmant. Er ist ebenfalls sehr verspielt und benötigt viel mentalen und physischen Raum. Diese Art eignet sich gut für Halter mit Erfahrung in der Vogelhaltung.

Der Nacktaugenkakadu (Cacatua sanguinea) ist durch seine neugierige und verspielte Natur bekannt. Diese Vögel sind sehr sozial und benötigen ständigen Kontakt mit ihren Haltern. Ihre Ernährung sollte abwechslungsreich sein, um Mangelerscheinungen zu vermeiden.

Der Banks-Kakadu (Calyptorhynchus banksii) ist mit seinem schwarzen Gefieder und roten Schwanzfedern ein bemerkenswerter Vogel. Diese Art erfordert spezielle Pflege und eine geräumige Voliere, um ihr Wohlbefinden zu gewährleisten.

Schließlich ist der Goffinkakadu (Cacatua goffiniana) erwähnenswert, der durch seine kleinere Größe und lebhafte Natur besticht. Dieser Kakadu benötigt viel geistige und physische Stimulation und kann bei richtiger Pflege ein treuer Begleiter sein.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass jede Kakadu-Rasse spezielle Pflegeanforderungen und Verhaltensweisen aufweist. Potenzielle Halter sollten sich gründlich über die Bedürfnisse der jeweiligen Art informieren, um eine artgerechte Haltung zu gewährleisten.

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African Grey Parrot for Sale

African Grey Parrot for Sale

African Grey Parrot for sale, the African parrot is one of the most popular pet birds with an amazing ability to talk. This fabulous bird is not only handsome but is also an inquisitive, interactive, and charming companion. Their personality and intuitive nature will amaze and delight you, and their antics will amuse you to no end. These are very intelligent social creatures, making them excellent pets for a devoted parrot owner.

Caring for an African Grey Parrot

The African grey bird is a medium to large-sized parrot that needs adequate living space. The minimum cage size should have a 2-foot by 2-foot footprint and 3 feet in height. Larger cages are preferable. Without much interaction and training, an African grey parrot may become depressed and exhibit self-mutilating behaviors, such as feather-plucking.

These birds thrive when they have lots of opportunities for playing with toys, interact with their owners, and learn words and tricks. Expect to spend several hours each day interacting with and training your African grey, many owners report that African grey parrots enjoy having television or radio playing when they are left alone.

These birds are said to be somewhat sensitive and easily affected by stress and commotion, they are more relaxed if the cage is placed in a quiet corner of the room rather than in the center.

Diet and Nutrition of African grey parrots

The best food for an African grey in captivity is a high-quality, formulated pellet supplemented with fruits such as pomegranate, organic mango, and melon. Also, provide fresh vegetables, including leafy greens like arugula, watercress, kale, sprouts, and healthy seeds such as hemp and flaxseed. You can pre-make chop, a salad for birds, that will help keep your African grey parrot healthy and thriving.

Many African greys also enjoy a variety of treats and snacks, such as nuts and healthy table foods like steamed green beans, breakfast toast, and salad. Offer your bird a half cup of pellet-based parrot mix and a 1/4 cup of fruits and vegetables daily and adjust the quantity according to their appetite. Remove and discard all uneaten fresh food by the end of each day.

African Grey Behavior

African Grey Parrots are highly intelligent, curious, and love to interact with people and objects. Yet they have a long life span, it can be 50 years (or more) in captivity. Many of the available pets are only a generation or two away from their wild counterparts. They still have their wild nature intact and can be unpredictable at times. The many qualities that make them desirable pets also require a special commitment from their keepers of regular one-on-one interaction and ongoing training.

The African Grey Parrots make very loyal and devoted companions, but they are not for everyone. Being a caretaker of an African Grey is not easy. Building a relationship requires lots of love, time, patience, and effort. Being somewhat shy and cautious by nature, they are reserved with new people and objects. They tend to sit back and watch before giving of themselves freely. They are also very intuitive to emotions, so are best approached in a calm manner. Once your Grey is comfortable and trusts you, you are on your way to a lifelong friendship.

An African Grey will need frequent interaction and playtime outside of their cage. Their cage needs to be large, and they need a lot of toys that are safe as well as destructible. They have a habitual nature and develop a strong bond with their family.

To have a well-adjusted African Grey, they should be exposed to different situations and handled by different people while they are young. They require ongoing attention by their keepers and stimulating interaction with various types of toys. This will help them cope more successfully whenever changes occur, being less fearful and timid, and more social.


African greys are the most intelligent of the parrot species. Many grow to be extremely sweet and affectionate toward their owners, and the species is known for being quite sociable.

However, an African grey that is bored or neglected is an unhappy bird. A depressed or angry bird will screech its discontent. You must provide the bird with lots of mental stimulation.

A highly intelligent bird is also a complex bird. Although it is very social and demands interaction, it is not necessarily a cuddly bird. Some of these birds tend to become “one-person” birds, even if owners make every effort to socialize them with all members of the family.

Types of African Grey Parrots for Sale
There are only three distinct birds in this genus Psittacus erithacus, with the two most popular being the Congo African Grey Parrot and the Timneh African Grey. Whether or not these three birds are different species, subspecies, or simply variants of the main species, Psittacus erithacus, is still an open debate.

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Live Birds for sale

We have a wide variety of live birds for sale. We noticed that many people want companionship and are unable to have cats or dogs in their homes, found that birds were the answer, or simply dreamed of having their own live Pet Bird one day. Pet Birds and Parrots is a service that home delivers healthy, well cared for, and ethically bred birds such as Conures, Budgies, Cockatiels, Caiques, Lineolated Parrots, African Greys, Macaws, Conures, Amazons, Quakers, Lorikeets and many other varieties by request. You have the choice to buy a Bird only or our complete package, which gives you the best start possible. We share our expertise in providing the Routine, Dietary, Training Tips, Ideal cage, and Playstand options so you get the best out of your Pet Bird and our prices are competitive.

Where to Buy a Bird, Visit The breeder’s website

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Birds for sale

Select the right Live Birds for your lifestyle
Firstly you will have your Pet Bird for at least 15,20, 30 years or more so it is very important you are prepared and committed to looking after your Pet Bird.
In selecting your first Pet Bird, do your research, ensure you buy from a reputable breeder, buy from experienced breeders, make sure your Pet Bird has been Hand Raised, and ensure you get a well-natured Pet Bird to suit your family and lifestyle. Do not choose a Pet Bird because someone recommended you buy it without checking that Pet Bird will be suitable for you and your family.

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Buy exotic birds for sale ( Parrots for sale)

Buy Exotic Birds for sale.Would you like to know which are the exotic parrots? Would you like to know how they look like? Are you interested in knowing a bit more about their feeding, location, and raising? Find here a list of exotic parrots and learn about what makes these beautiful birds unique.

We place considerable emphasis on matching the right parrot species for you by understanding your expectations and living environment. Furthermore, we take pride in producing baby parrots that are well socialized and loved. The time and effort we invest in all baby parrots in our nursery ensure that you will have a beautiful pet that you can love and interact with for many years to come.

Check bellow for more info on some of our exotic birds.

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Exotic Macaw Exotic birds ( Parrots for sale)

This exotic bird shows an intense and varied color, although the feathers of the face are less showy; they have white patches around the eyes. The bright color of their feathers is characteristic of these exotic parrots and they are usually red, yellow, green and blue. Both the females and the males have very similar plumage and it cannot be guaranteed that one sex is larger than the other. You only find slight variations when they are young.

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Blue and Gold macaw parrot for sale

The blue and yellow macaw (also known as the blue and gold macaw) is a species that belongs to the parrot family and resides in Central America and South America, from Panama to the north of Paraguay and throughout the Amazon basin. They live in different types of habitats, from tropical humid forests to the dry sheet, so they are birds that can adapt very well to changes in temperature. Flocks especially live close to river beds.

This is a large macaw. It is between 76 and 86 centimeters long and can weigh up to 1.5 kg. It does not present sexual dimorphism, reason why it is quite difficult to be able to differentiate between females and males. However, according to some experts, females tend to weigh less and are smaller than males. But, over time it has been proven that this depends on the specimen, so it is not a reliable system to use.

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Hahn’s Macaw parrot for sale

It is also known by the name of Red-shouldered macaw and it is a species that lives in the plains, savannas, and swamps of Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Brazil. Although it is a macaw, it is true that its size is not very large, since it measures a maximum of 35 centimeters and can weigh up to one kilo. This bird does not present sexual dimorphism, so to know if it is female or male, a DNA test is needed.

This exotic bird has a long, narrow tail with a large beak. Its body is covered by bright green feathers, with some darker and bluish feathers in the head area, as well as near the beak area. The green feathers on its tail and wings are duller in the interior area. When it reaches adulthood the feathers on its shoulders are red. Their eyes are orange, and the area near their beak is devoid of feathers.